Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Genocide in Myanmar Goes to Court

As we discussed briefly in class, there have been two new and significant developments regarding the likely adjudication of the genocide committed against the Muslim minority, the Rohingya people, in Myanmar. One is the application by The Gambia against Myanmar in the ICJ, about which there are a number of blog posts (see here for EJILTalk!; and Opinio Juris; and Just Security); and the second is the decision by the prosecutor of the ICC to commence investigations into the genocide (see this overview of all the developments in Opinio Juris). On Wednesday it was announced that the famous and now somewhat discredited leader of Myanmar, Ang San Suu Kyi, will lead the country's delegation to the ICJ.

For a good backgrounder on the causes and particulars of the genocide, see this piece from the Council on Foreign Relations.

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