Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Recent Int'l Law Topics in the News

Syria this week warned other countries against recognizing the Syrian National Council, an opposition group formed to challenge the legitimacy of the Assad regime. To what extend does the Council satisfy the conditions for recognition of either a government, or an insurgent movement in a civil war?

In case you missed it last week, Russia and China vetoed a resolution in the UN Security Council that would have established a step towards imposing sanctions on Syria.

The United Nations released a report this week that found systematic torture by Afghan government authorities of persons detained there, including those persons handed over to Afghan authorities by NATO forces. When we come to consider human rights, we will look at the extent to which NATO countries can be held responsible for such torture.

The trial of the "Christmas Day Bomber" or "Underwear Bomber", as he is variously known, Abdulmutallab, who was arrested after trying to detonate a bomb hidden in his underwear on a Detroit-bound air-liner, begins today in Federal Court. The outcome will no doubt feed into the debate over military commissions.

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