Monday, October 10, 2011

The Awlaki Targeting Issues

Further to the brief discussion in class of the Awlaki killing, here is a short post discussing the nationality issue. There there are a series of posts as Opinio Juris and Lawfare, with links to articles in TheNew York Times, first calling for disclosure of the legal analysis, then on the leak of information regarding the substance of an OLC memo on the legality of targeting Awlaki. We will return to these issues later in the course. Below are links to some of the key articles (it should be noted that the Lawfare authors are generally strong advocates of the US positions on the "so-called global war on terror", and Anderson is also a strong proponent of the targeted killing policy).

Opinio Juris posts: Anderson, Anderson on the Memo 1,  Anderson on the Memo 2; 

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