Thursday, September 29, 2011

Readings - Other Subjects of Int'l Law

Next week we will wrap up our examination of states with the issue of aquisition and delimitation of territory, in Section 5 of Chapter 5. You should pay particular attention to the modes of acquisition, including the Island of Palmas case; and the principle of uti possidetis, reflected in the Burkino Faso v. Mali case.

Turning to International Organizations and NGOs in Chapter 6, read Section 1, 1(A), including the Reparations case; Section 1(B), skim both the Certain Expenses of the UN and the Tadic case excerpts; and in Section 2, the Charnovitz piece on NGOs.

Next we will look at the status of individuals and corporations as subjects, in Chapter 7. Review Section 1(A), and the Lagrand case in Section 1(B); Section 1(C); and Section 2(A-C), particularly the Nottenbohm case; In Section 2(D) the Iran-US Claims Tribunal; and in Section 2(E) the Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission.

In Section 3 we turn to the status of corporations. Just review Section 3(B) and the Barcelona Traction case.

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