Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Other Sources of International Law

Once finished with Customary International Law, we will turn to examine other sources, namely general principles of law, judicial decisions and publicists, and ancilliary sources such as UN General Assembly resolutions.

In doing the reading, focus on the following sections:

- Section 1 (A), Tadic, and the Schacter piece;
- Section 1 (B) Equity and Good Faith, and the Friedman piece; and "proportionality" beginning on p.252., and Corfu Channel (p.253);
- Section 2 (A), Judicial Decisions (whole section).
- Section 2 (B), teachings of publicists - just skim;
- Section 3 (A), UN resolutions, and Filartiga v. Pena-Irala;
- Section 3 (B), skim Security Council lawmaking;
- Section 6, Unilateral Act, Nuclear Test case (New Zealand v. France).

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