Monday, October 6, 2014

Sweden to Recognize Palestinian State

Further to our discussion of state recognition, and self-determination, Sweden announced last week that it would formally recognize the state of Palestine. Previous governments of Sweden had declined to do so primarily because, in its view, Palestine failed to satisfy one of the criteria for statehood in the Montevideo Convention, namely an effective government with control over its territory.

In related news, the Palestinian "Unity Government" - the reconciliation government that purports to represent both Gaza and the West Bank, will meet this week in Gaza. If this government, the legitimacy of which is opposed by Israel, is successful, it will eliminate one of the objections to the recognition of the Palestinian state.

Over 100 countries already recognize Palestine as a state, but Sweden is the first Western European state to do so.

UPDATED: Today the New York Times reported that Israel has formally protested the Swedish move.

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