Friday, November 1, 2013

Latest Turn in Hijab Debate in Turkey

Following on our recent discussion of the Sahin v. Turkey case, you all might be interested by this news story from yesterday, regarding the reaction to three members of parliament wearing hijab in the parliamentary chamber.


  1. It is interesting to me that the headscarf ban remains in effect for Judges. It seems illogical to me that judicial officers who are supposed to make rulings free of political pressure would be subject to the most intrusive and restrictive laws passed by the legislature.

  2. Since the decision to ban the headscarfs was contentious, I would imagine that the decision to lift the ban was just as contentious. If that is the case, maybe the only way to gather enough votes to get the ban lifted was to compromise and start small (lifting it in some institutions), with the hope of including more institutions (judges, prosecutors, etc) later. I can understand why the ban would remain in place for judges, if analyzed under the idea that judges are supposed to be impartial. Allowing judges to wear the headscarfs may, in some of the lawmakers' eyes, given off the impression that the judge would be more favorable to parties of the judge's same religion. I don't know if I necessarily agree with that idea, though.
