Sunday, December 2, 2012

Developments in the Syrian Conflict

As we discussed in class, the conflict in Syria is continuing to intensify, and several recent developments will have the effect of changing the analysis of how a number of different international law principles would apply in the circumstances. Among these developments are the evolution of a more cohesive and unified opposition, which in mid-November was recognized by France as the legitimate representative of the people of Syria. This was followed by formal recognition by the U.K., and then something less that formal recognition by the E.U. as a whole. Meanwhile the fighting has continued to intensify. The U.S. has been unable to prevent the flow of weapons to the Syrian regime via Iraq, and the Obama administration is said to be weighing more direct support for the opposition forces. At what point would such support become lawful under international law? Would direct intervention be lawful under the principles of the use of force regime? Under what circumstances, if at all?

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