Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Final Readings on Use of Force

Continuing our examination of use of force in Chapter 15, you should focus your reading on the following sections:

Continuing in Section 1 (C),
(6)(a) Schachter piece, and notes;
    (b) the Schachter piece on preemptive use of force;
    (d) self-defense against non-state actors;
Section 2
Intro and (A);
(B) (focus on Schachter piece)
Section 3
(A) (this ties into the debate on Iraq)

In addition, for the debate on the invasion of Iraq next week, in addition to the discussion in the text, please review the Memo from the Attorney General of the U.K. on the subject, as well as U.N. Security Council Resolutions 678, 687, and 1441, all of which can be downloaded from the links here.

For those who may be interested in reading another ICJ decision that analyzes the issues of self-defense, a highlighted and redacted copy of the ICJ's judgment in the Oil Platforms Case (Iran v. U.S.A.), can be downloaded here. Should you want to put the redacted portion into context, remember that you can download summaries of the judgments at the ICJ website.

You may also want to look at the full text of UN General Assembly Resolutions 2626 (Declaration on Friendly Relations), and 3314 (Definition of Aggression), which we will discuss this week.

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