Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wednesday's Class

On Wednesday we will wrap up our discussion of human rights. We will very quickly review the different international human rights treaty regimes (the regional regimes, CEDAW, CERD), and then spend more time examining the operation of the ICCPR and the Human Rights Committee. In preparation for this discussion you should pay particular attention to Section 4, and the US Reservations to the ICCPR and the Human Rights Committee's comment, and the U.S. response. We will examine, in the context of the Human Rights Committee's work, the Lovelace case.

Then, look at Section 4(D), the US position on the extra-territorial application of the ICCPR, and consider in that context  the Al Skeini case we looked at last week.

Finally, we will examine the derogation from rights obligations in times of emergency, looking at the Lawless case, and the excerpt from A(F.C.) v. The Home Secretary. [see the Human Rights Committee case post below, for excerpts from and link to the case]

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